DAP in the Press
>>CLICK<<DAP technology
>>CLICK<<Myself currently using the streamyX 512Kpbs....its super slow that...normal download only reach 20++KB/sec....its so slow...by using some others download manager...it manage to upgrade the speed for abit...around...40-50KB/sec....but...it was juz allright...
after finding out the
Speedbit DAP (Download Accelerator Plus 8.7)...the problems for the low downlaod speed solve immediately...its is impresive...DAP is a
NEW ERA of download manager that could maximize your download speed greatly...i currently manage to reach 120KB/s that is incredibley high!!!...more than
400% of normal download!...Cool!!...Give it a try!!...u wont regret!...its all about the speed!!...
By using the free verson only...i manage to reach this speed when i downloading 2 files....If you unlock the premium version...i cant imagine the light speed already!...

The Speedbit DAP also comes with expansion pack...the Video Accelerator...which able to let u experienced smooth video at youtube and others 100 sites...without buffering...
There’s a very common misconception about Broadband internet connection:
Internet Service Providers keep selling us ultra high speed connections, but downloading still takes long and watching HD video stream is not really happening…
The reason lies in the way the internet is built. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and a data transfer session is only as fast as the slowest route along the way between the source and the destination.
Be it a busy server, a congested website or a sluggish connection, to name a few of the most common internet hiccups, downloading with DAP automatically bypasses and overcomes any such obstacles. DAP uses patented multi-connection technology to initiate several, simultaneous connections, downloading different parts of the requested file, from one or more servers. This way, users are finally allowed to actually reach the bandwidth they pay for in the first place.
More on DAP technology here.
You can use the table below to locate your internet connection type and check out the number on the right. This is the correct maximum speed (in Kilobytes or Ks per second) you should get when downloading. Basically, whenever you get slower transfer rates - you are getting less than the promised maximum speed you are paying for.

So reclaim your broadband bandwidth today:
Start downloading with DAP.
You can get the latest version
HERE. <<<<<<