Taylors organiser invite my senior Akinomi go to their event 4 performing....then senior ask me to go as well....Today afternoon....after preparation...my senior fetch me to the Holiday Villa for the TAYLORS PJ pROM NIGHT guest performance....em...its intresting...lolx...On the way to the place....on the car...boring...raining outside..

then reach adi...hav some rehersal....then i tot can eat their prom night food...but they told us...we r not authorised to eat...damn...then we perform 4 wat...waste time waste money and parking also toll fees...shitty....
after having the dinner ourselves...we wait our turns outside...cause we canot go in as we did not pay 4 the event as they said....
DIUZ...take some photos there...and oso...no lengluiz there...SIEN DOU BAO...only got many CENTAUR WARCHIEF and PUDGE in BKB form...lolx....those hu play dota should noe wat i means...muahaha...[EVIL]

the middle 1 is my senior...

Their opening ceromeny....the 2 guys seems like holing a burning sword...lolx...damn lots plp...lolx...

after the ceromony got some others guest performance oso...link singing...raping...hiphop dance..belly dance...etc...all oso not really nice actually...haha...then our turn...u can view our perforamance at the previous post...I make a mistake during the solo part...lolx...when freezing i fall down..haha...not enuf strenght after traning at afternoon sesion...exhaust..lolx...then afterthat...went home...
Tmr will start another journey to the Taylor's Pk campus...Kirnia tower there for theie holloween Night Guest Performance again...hope this time will be better!!!