the picture say it all!!...perodua car wif no side mirror can drive on the road!! lolx...i wonder how they cut the car on the left side...haha..
Something Interesting
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Nice Perodua Car !!
the picture say it all!!...perodua car wif no side mirror can drive on the road!! lolx...i wonder how they cut the car on the left side...haha..
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine Day !!
Well..i believe that those who hav coupled sure living in a fairy tails world now...haha..meaning very sweet and fantacy...haha...all the best!! As im i stay at home...and trying to finish up my order with dell laptop recently...cause they told me they r soon out of stock and face off adi as too many plp buy that Dell Studio 15 model!!
i realise that...bunch of my guys gang...all staying at home on9 tot they out 4 pak to adi..but no...lolx...suddenly they add me in group conversation...tok alot of cock and bulls stories!! lolx...HELL NO!!...and they send me a stupid is it!! haha!
Monday, February 09, 2009
AStro BattleGround 2008
I found this on youtube SeagullMly channel...thx to him...i personnaly think that...this year contestant even more pro compare to last time...ECX really rox man!!! and the Gals team twister genies is sexy in new jazz and gals hiphop!! while the ULtimax is Rox in their breaking stunts!!...not bad!!! APPLAUSE!! i wish i could hav hlaf of their skills...haha!!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
5s4 gathering

after the lunch...we seperated...sumo of them went home..then sum of us go pool/bowling...after that...all went to amanda house at kelana jaya...and gamble...after that went to ikea and hav the swidish meatball there...damn delicious oso!! nice 1...then fetch 3 of my frenz home...!!

Saturday, February 07, 2009
CNY frenz gathering
Ard 6 sumthing...all went home d...And today is derrick hoe birthday!! HAppy Birthday to him!! long time no meet jor!!...may ur wish come tru!!
Thursday, February 05, 2009
APIIT CNY celebration
my last clas end around 2.30 pm so i and my frens decide to go to the computer lab to spend our time there...unfortunately...we found out uni internet connection have been improved hugely after the maintanence they annoucced last pretty smooth and fast there now...can download files with great speed...Good job for the STUFF man!! 1st time praise apiit!! haha! here is the speed test i done 4 the lab computer... CLick to enlarge!!
well...lsat time is ard 200kbps i is almost 2mbps....per computer...nice job IT lab...really...this makes us felt more to stay in the lab compare to last time...cause last time is slow and waste our time...haha!!...keep it on!!
After we went into apiit setup/install server without permission(hacking i guess)...we manage to grap some useful setup or installer...then ard 4pm the event started...all the student are outside their clasroom to enjoy the show...some picture took from JUON facebook and some are took by me...
Btw...overall ok la...then afterthat got the "LOU SHANG" ceromany...all the student go to LOU together...and eat...lolx..i din go cause i went back home adi...haha...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
CNY trip..
Almost every meal we have seafood...the prawn damn fresh..!!
Delayed Post: Eve and During CNY
We went there around 8 sumthing but the seat already full...luckily got the last seat 4 my family to fit in as we only hav 5 people in my family including small table will do...
order ala carte because their package dinner for more than 10 people like is not suit us...the ala carte price not cheap oso...aiks...those seafood OK la...lolx..cause i duno how to taste it...
Full of Peoples!!..
After the dinner...we went back home...and wait to invite the CHOI SEN!! haha!
Delayed post: Working just before CNY!!
the special things about the job is need to where samfu 4 guys and chengsam 4 gals...this is my 1st time wearing traditional chinese shirt actually...haha..looks quite weird...
lolx...the worst part actually is holding a basket of angpow and oranges walking along the shopping mall to giv away those "angpow" ..actually is a flyer/voucher thingy...those ladies actually did hook up by the promotion made by sk2!! lolx...cause sk2 usually didnt giv out at the end the miracle water sold left 3 bottle only out of 58 bottle in the morning!! those ladies r crazy!! hhaa!!....and the agent straight away gave me the RM100 cheque the day b4 the working day...
so is a good experience...cause i was being called as a "CHOI SHEN ZHAI" all day long by those ladies...haha...quite paiseh!!....but i oso smile to them la...haha...1st time had the feeling to giv away angpow actually...haha!
NOTICE: Due to laptop notebook crashed... forces me to use back my ancient desktop computer which around 7-8 yrs old d...HOLY CRAP... is totaly a ancient artifact that should put as display purpose only...i didnt touch it 4 quite long adi...lolx...The spec4 the totaly extinct!!....canot be found!! haha
256 RAM <<< wtf is this?? can it operate actually?? lolx...
answer: NO!!! hang ur comp every 1 minit like totaly not a multi tasking machine anymore!!! seems the technology now a days eats up plenty of RAM...even..msn + several IE/Firefox counld make my desktop freezeeeeeee....lolx...HOLY CRAP!! nid mention la...the worst is the ram only i guess!!...haha...It really test my patient!!...
i will always keep scold bad words infront the monitor suddenly as it really giv me a several slap while the monitor freezeee 4 a long time!! hah! a nutsy!! talking to a computer...hah!!
MAN...if my laptop dont repair as soon as posible...i gonna b MAD d...haha!!...
Monday, February 02, 2009
ATTENTION: Laptop ROSAK/CRASHED !! Unable to update blog cause photo and files there...SRY!!
Sent for repair...pending to get will pause for some times...Please be patient!! sorry 4 this!!