Yesterday was unable to post this article because im already
exhausted...after bathing i straight
jump on my bed and snor....hahaa...some of the photo i took from my im
not plagarising!! haha...i got
credit 1st...
Well...yest morning i woke up at 630am...quite early...and smsed louyeh Ken and ask wat time he wil reach my house...and confirm around i prepared my self. after that ken will go to sg.long and fetch his dearly GF.... she live damn far...haha..was half sleeping in the car since i too realy to wake up...haha...its
been legend already to wake up in this time since high school time...haha!!
then afterthat went go CK house to gather...we are the 1st car plp hu reach there since ken want to repair his car 1st by CK we wait there until CK went back from fetching Hun Tung and Evelyn...Gan is already at CK house since he overnight b4 the day...
i was hibernating during the wait...CK dogs is quite active as keep running around the house...
Around 830am sumthing...all car arrive and we start out
journey to the south...haha...
we stopped at R&R seremban to hav our very short breakfast with KFC meal...TAke away...then continue our 2 hrs journey to MELAKA...listened to all sort of music that brought along wif us...thx to
Fried BANANA for our snacks...haha...

Our 1st location to visit at
MELAKA is the
TAMAN Butterfly and ANIMAL... the ticket cost us RM6 per person... after paying we get inside...1st we saw is colorful bird..i dun known wat the name of the bird...haha...then saw bunch of different speicies of a White Fur monkey i saw is the most beautiful a monkey like sot adi, he kept swing 360 degree like the gymnasium...haha..then saw many others bugs and animal too...because we din pay the camera fees...we r not allowed to take photo...sad!!
then walk futher inside we saw the bird that know how to talk!! keep make wisel...lolx..damn cute..many lizard....and also SNAKES!!! waaa...lolx...the guy take the snake want to put on us and all of us ran away from him...haha...we r all coward!! lolx...then inside is the butterfly place adi...only a few butterflt wish i dun like to see actaully...haha...then got into a cave like scorpian..Grass frog...the frog really looks like a grass..u cant spot it unless u find very hard..ha..then got the sleeping bear on the tree...duno call wat name...then fish...we tot tats all we have and went back to the entrance but the worker there said still hav lots more animal another way!haha..they bring us to the
SIDE B...haha..sounds like
jurrasic park the lost world SIDE B...haha..there got 2 1 keep moving around and another 1 Stare at me so damn fierce...lolx..
then move on got peacock...the feather really nice...but i wonder didnt it felt heavy?? haha...then got horn bill...pretty huge 1...then got CORCODILE!!...lolx..its smell stinky...very hard to breath there and many mosquito...damn...haha..quickly move on...these is the part wif snakes....all type of snakes...we saw the workers throw those small little mice into the snake cage and let them have their meal wif the POOR little thing!!
(picture taken from weiwen blog)

then got a room that all the snakes is on the tree and u can walk true the tree...lolx..we refused to go in cause there got a notice which wrote
WITH UR OWN RISK!! haha..but ken,gan, and someone went in...very quickly..haha...
after the VISIT for this place...we actaully want to move to mini malaysia but some of us refuse cause its kinda siens we go to the taman buaya...the ticket cause us RM5 per person...actually this place wasted our money cause its only a few corcodile for u to see and today is OFF DAY for their CORCODILE SHOW we went in and ntg we can watch actually...sad!!

Then we went to a restaurant that recomend by GAN as malaka is his hometown..but we had wasted almost an hour in the city...cause the restaurant had moved...we wasted hour in roaming in the roads again and again..lolx...the driver oso sien adi...then finnaly found the new location and we tot should be the nyonya restaurant since melaka is famous in nyonya food but GAN point out that its a chinese restaurant..lolx...quite fedup abit but still ok la..cause the restaurant food quite delicious oso!! haha!! weiwen amd luisa bought some local famous snacks and biscuit at a shop juz beside the restaurant.

three old say is
Yun Lou like those chinese warrior story..those gang sure hav old man managing the gang...haha

after the meal...we went to the
RED HOUSE...and then the
FORMOSA that left by the HOLLAND..and also the
formosa GATEway...its pretty old adi...but its rather historical feeling!! WELL...the
weather are ultimate HOT enuf to let sumone to faint..lolx...after when to the top of the formosa hill...there is a windy location where all of us stop there for a rest..there can actaully view the whole MELAKA city too..

haha...then went to the JONKER street...there got quite many restaurant and gallery shop...sell all kind of artistic
WE stop at a kind of famous restaurant and hav the CENDOL there!! its a CURE for the FREAKING HOT weather...haha...some of them order the chiken rice ball...
then we hav our free time to walk around the jonker street...the building quite old house feel...

after the JOnker street visit..we rest awhile in car..and there move to the menara taming sari...bcus its quite expensive to take the ride so we split up on our on activity...gals when to Pahlawan megamall to shop while the boys whent to the riverside to relax ...haha...went there tok cok actually...haha..then also play
CHOR DAI DE...haha...then took some photo too...sum of them are really retard...haha play wif the toilet thingy!! haha! in the middle...0203!! haha

Respect the sailors!! haha

After we met up again...we decided to hav
SATAY CELUP as our dinner rather than eating crab at seremban...we simply celup those satay stick into the satay KUA..we tok alot cok too...all are
COCK AND BULL STORY...haha...1 stick cost us last we totaly ate 178 lucky?? so ngam...nice number...ahaha...
"FAT CHOI together"...haha
there is a
HOLYLIGHT shine on my head!! haha ^^ V

178 sticks in total...

After the final dinner...we search for our own driver and went home separately...
its quite fun at some times...but its juz too freaking HOT to have more fun..lolx...its pretty exhausting and tired which cause by the BIG HOT weather...haha!!
THX GuyS!!
For more Photos...please visit HERE !! (some pic took from here too)