Something Interesting

Friday, November 07, 2008

YAM cHA night...

Yesterday night...CK organized a yamcha trip...lolx....fetch damn lots of plp..go to jalan ipoh and around kepong there to yamcha...lolx...around 14 plp like tat..lolx...mroe than a furball team....we went to a mamak named SPICY...the food at there damn 7 expensive...lolx...aiz...ordered a milo shake...ok la...juz that milo shake on top add a icecream only...lolx...then we started to tok all kind of cock and bull stories...lolx... toking they can tok arounf 1 hour ++ wif that stupid topic..OMG...lolx...too many XXX stuff there...duwan post up here...lolx...muahaha...sux man.....then....xhg topic....tok about many "SOMEONE"....GOSIP....wakao...laught until we all almost brust the stomuch....dude...all oso Crazy guys..haha...

then..we order a roti tisu....and end up...the mamak giv us the normal tisu that wipe the mouth 1...OMG...lolx....then call the mamak again..mamak oso laught...lolx....when the roti tisu came..walao..there is the twin tower roti tisu...damn high...lolx...

after that...we...check on our indonisian found out this sohai picture...ZOMG...sohai betul...lolx...liek kena rape or wat...i cant figure out y he wan take this photo...omg...shit man..laught till xiao d...

Anyways...enjoy a great gosip time there...tok all sorts of nonsence...lolx...